
My name is Cherie Sew and I am currently pursuing my Master of Information Technology in the University of Melbourne. My specialization is in Human-Computer Interaction with a key interest in social computing. I intend to research an aspect of social conformity for my master project in 2022. While I found my love for qualitative research during my studies, I'm also pretty fascinated with User Design! Through this program, I've managed to improve my design skills as well as learn important skills like User Evaluation. By the end of my program, I hope to get a clearer picture of what being a researcher entails, and possibly further my studies in a PhD for social computing.

Prior to my current studies, I was contracted to Apple. I used to work as a Siri Technical Analyst but began my professional work experience as a Siri Language Engineer for the Siri Malay team.

When I'm not working, I love cooking, traveling, playing video games, reading, and hiking. I also have two cats!

Reach out to me at cheriemeiyee@gmail.com.